I won't say who won in case anyone hasn't watched it yet - but weren't they all utterly brilliant!!
There's no way I could do what they did. What a clever bunch!...
//An anti-vaxxer mother and her daughter died just days apart in a Belfast hospital after they contracted Covid-19, leaving their family “devastated”. The BBC reported that Sammie-Jo Forde, 32, died...
This huge structure being constructed in Birmingham is due to open in 2023. A survey carried out by the group responsible found that one third of people believe that prayer helps their mental...
Just watching the 10pm news with
brief footage of the attacks on 9/11. All these years later it never ceases to shock.
Not a question - just an observation from my perspective....
//A charity set up to continue the legacy of Winston Churchill has erased his first name and pictures of him from its website....A list of his achievements has been removed from the website, as well...
A Russian woman who had given up meat for Lent is suing McDonald’s after claiming their tempting marketing made it impossible for her to resist buying a cheeseburger. She says she sees their...
Songs from the musicals - and, much to my husband’s alarm, trilling along them. Wonderful stuff! Them .... not me.
There’s no business like show business!...
“As for Laurel Hubbard in the women’s weightlifting event? She let all the other women do the heavy lifting while completely over-estimating her own strength. Typical bloke.” I know it’s frowned upon...
ITV. Starring the superb Rory Kinnear as Lord Lucan. I watched the first of the two episodes and was not disappointed. Excellent. A breath of fresh air. I wonder if anyone knows what happened to him?...
//£4m scheme will form part of government effort to counter subject’s reputation as elitist// https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/jul/31/latin-introduced-40-state-secondaries-england A...
//Leeds City Council has launched an educational research project into tea produced in Yorkshire and Yorkshire parkin cakes over links to colonialism and the slave trade.//...