Will you be staying up all night?
(I won't)....
Ed Miliband has promised to do ‘whatever is necessary’ to protect children in the West Midlands from sexual abuse if he becomes Prime Minister. The Labour leader said a report released by West...
Mikey, have you seen this one? http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/04/30/uk-britain-election-poll-ipsosmori-conse-idUKKBN0NL0PR20150430 The article adds.... //An Ipsos-MORI poll of Scottish voters on...
I've just received a text from a friend which was immediately followed by another text apparently from her giving the name of a porn website. She didn't send the second text. How can that happen?
I’d never heard of them until I saw one of their candidates, Adam Clifford, on The Daily Politics today. (Picture in my link). Their policies: http://www.classwarparty.org.uk/policies/ Another bunch...
Miliband visits Russell Brand 'for interview'. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2015-32492591 Any port in a storm I suppose - although why Ed's hobnobbing with an idiot who champions revolution and...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/11556561/EU-leaders-to-consider-military-intervention-against-Libyan-migrant-traffickers.html Should Europe have listened to...
I heard this reported on BBC Radio 4 today. //Persecuted Christians in Lahore, Pakistan have been praying for election success in next month’s polls – for Nigel Farage and Ukip. Despite a British...
The general consensus of opinion is that the election will be a very close run race resulting in another coalition. Is there a possibility that we may be surprised by an unexpected outcome?
Inoffensive and brilliantly daft humour that to my mind never ages. What a wonderful legacy these two genuinely funny men have left to the world. Innocent laughter.
With the concern in the rest of the country about the SNP potentially holding sway over a Labour government, something’s puzzling me. Since the outcome of the Scottish referendum was ‘No to...
//Pope Francis was mobbed by a group of overexcited nuns, let out from their convents during his visit to Naples. Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe could be heard through the microphone urging restraint and...
Sneaky….. and it’s only day one!