If every Muslim in the country moved to the south west of England, declared their own state and called it Britainastan, a Muslim state with law founded on Muslim principles, it then invited Muslims...
I am trying to recall a 1990s DIY show - I think BBC1. One of the makeover type. One of the presenters was a red-haired N. Irish woman, very pushy and always slapping purple paint on the projects in...
Do you prefer to take a shower or have a bath.
I am in favour of a bath.
PS Why does the spellchecker say I should spell 'favour' in the American style of 'favor' ??...
Does anyone have a son/daughter who is an emo? My son has started to become one. Is it just a fashion, or a 'way of life?' How long should I expect it to last? He is 13. Thanks.x
Hi I want some advice on the best laptop for me. Im wanting to buy a new one soon and im on a budget of a max of £450 maybe up to £500 if its worth it. The only features that I need are...