I downloaded a video from a P2P program and it is now supposedly ready to play. It has downloaded a folder on my desktop with two subfolders inside (Disc 1 and Disc 2) with a "MSinfo document?". In...
I own 14acres of grazing/agricultural land with 2 friends. Our 'neighbour' owns a stud farm next door. He has propsosed to buy the land over a 3 year period, paying us about ?3,300.00 per month. We...
I have been arrested on suspicion of assault after my neighbour told the police that I punched him during a confrontation when I did not do such a thing. I have been bailed for a week pending further...
An aquantance of mine has moved/ fled to Australia, leaving behind debts to the bank and credit card companies of approaching ?100K. He wants to apply for Australian citizenship once his work visa...
Hi, Back in August I was assaulted quite badly in my girlfriends house by her ex husband who had broken into the house and beat me up, dragging me out of bed, punching, throwing me down the stairs and...
I have a sony midi (all in one) hifi system which I wish to connect to my computer via a digital converter, to burn vinyl to cd. however my unit does not have any audi output jacks. could I use the...
Does anyone else use Stumble upon? I think it is brilliant. Try it if you don't, it is a toolbar that you click on to get a random selection of websites based on preferences that you make initially. I...
Where I live there are 3 houses and we all have some land to park our cars on. My neighbour thinks he personally owns it and gives me loads of grief and has even threatened me before. Anyway he has...
We have now got our web cam set up but a friend of ours was on the other night and I clicked on to Skype and got him up on ours but he couldn't see me but he could hear me. Is there something that...
Im making a programme for my assignment which takes in user input via a JOptionPane inputbox. the programme should take the user input and give a diagalogue back. for example for a deck of cards user...
I recently bought an updated sat nav dvd from e bay, the seller claimed it would also update the software in the car to give me tmc live traffic information and give me the option of avoiding the...
I am looking for a digital reverberation machine that is in good condition and fairly cheap. If you have such a device for sale and live within a 50 mile radius of Boston in Lincolnshire (unless we...