Final one to get and it should be simple. 7d Eye after this seductive look (4) ?L?D The only answer I can come up with is SLID as in "she slid him a furtive glance", "eye" giving "lid", not sure... ...
Only two this week.Help please 25a Really provocative back page 6 letters e?e??o 17d Line about a student in Lincoln 5 letters c?b?e Hope you can help. Frustrate
all answers are names of vegetables, and all the questions areold jokes or cryptic teasers 11. a fun g(i)uy who is a bit of a (de)-composer?! (8) 31. Tomato teacher to slow little tomato pupils,... ...
Just had my partners daughter ring her in tears because her daughter, partners granddaughter was susspended from wearing the wrong type of trousers. This I should add is secondary school. This is... ...
I'm getting better at these....but still struggle as you will tell. 8ac Knight heard to prepare for copulation, is overcome (8) 9ac Bishop in court case, showing group loyalty (6) 25ac Slight... ...
I had some help with a Xwrd earlier and I went back into it to thank the helpers and I had no 'Your Answer' box so couldn't reply. Anyone else had this problem?
13a Corks that wore out professional colleagues (2-7) ??-?O?K?R? 1d Just going to take the boat out, unwisely (5,2) A???? , ?? 11a Make a start at these levels (6) ?????A Thanks in advance
Good day, an interesting puzzle! I’ve got the Unclueds quite easily, but am somewhat at sea with the following for which I seek help. Thanks in advance! 40a Acclaimed a confused person from Scots... ...
24d Swindler makes Sun pay attention (5) ?H?R? 16d Beast chain, just a small one (5) ??T?H 21a Despised people put on this... this terrible tip (8) S?i??i?? Thanks in advance
The instruction for modification is Select every numbered cell in order What does this mean? First Across answer is Navigate. Where should the modification happen? I can't think of any other word... ...
I can't understand this crossword I have got answers to only 5 clues Viz. 9a,4d,15d,17d,20d I know answers need to be modified before entry. But since I don't have most answers don't know how to... ...