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ToraToraTora there are 27 other countries to choose from....
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anotheoldgit /// 'The treatment by some towards these young...
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an Idea. It is more than likely, that Muslim Women who wear the Burka in the UK, are not employed because there is not many company's, that could employ them for various reasons. So as there are many...
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As title, x was bound-over in April, after previously being cautioned for being drunk & disorderly. She is now applying for a new job and is worried that these will show on the criminal record check...
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ToraToraTora The arrogance of the EUphiles never ceases to amaze me. Hungary you'll be better off out anyway. History will look back at these times as the beginning...
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ToraToraTora treating voters like kids was never going to work Dave....
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ToraToraTora "The Electoral Reform Society, which campaigns for "democratic reform", said its polling showed Mr Cameron and other political "big beasts" had failed to...
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Rev. Green
I've mislaid my plastic driving licence. Can I legally drive in continental Europe with just the paper licence?
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ToraToraTora Cooperation is better than bickering but how can us and the French resolve this issue?...
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Or so it is being said. 'Eastern Europe now has "the largest population loss in modern history", while Germany overtook Japan by having the world's lowest birth rate. Europe, as it is aging, no longer...
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This should tell us just how devious these EUSSR lizards were, and indeed still are. //A former Italian premier has claimed that Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which, if triggered, would initiate...
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They are now moving along to more Towns along the coast of France!!!! Something serious must be done, its getting crazy....
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After short notice, David Cameron becomes homeless today, will he apply to the local council for a council house and emergency accommodation?
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Why are snowflakes two dimensional?
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jim360 Still not interested in calling for a rerun but... can we all just agree...
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Any advise would be very much appreciated. I was stopped for speeding of which I will hold my hands up and was told to wait for a letter to tell me what to do next. I received this 10 weeks later...
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WITHIN the next week I should have received and returned my postal vote for the EU referendum. I shall be casting it for us to remain members of the EU. Having voted the same way in the previous...
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Pretty difficult to argue with his thoughts, especially the bit about 'would you join the EU in its current state'?:

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