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anotheoldgit When is the government to tell these asylum seekers (economic refugees) that they are no longer welcome in this country....
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anotheoldgit Would they do the same if it was the UK's problem?...
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mikey4444 Seems like a very simple solution to this problem Pick vegetables or lose your benefits....
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What do you think of Jean-Claude Juncker who, as a raging Federalist, took over the Presidency of the EU earlier this year and Rubbished the UK, then was disdainful of our choice of the next UK...
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I was recently told - by someone that I expected to know for sure - that if a potential employer sees a gap of more than a couple of years in your CV, they will automatically assume you've been in...
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Okay, here's the scenario: Mr X dies without a will. He has no partner as she passed away a while ago and everything was left to him. His deceased wife has 1 daughter. Mr X has 2 sons, 1 daughter and...
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anotheoldgit The Labour part gave him till this morning to...
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anotheoldgit Nice to see that the carnival everybody loves went off quite peacefully....
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Hi I was recently charged with possession of drugs, I have since been charged with proceeds of crime. I got a car on finance a few years ago for my friend & they paid the money each month, how do I...
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A growing proportion of our population do not make their discretionary spending in areas which, traditionally, have been major revenue gernetators: they don't drink, do not indulge in games of chance...
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I have just listened to Channel 4 TV news. Apparently all surviving illegal immigrants have applied for Asylum in this country. No surprise there then is there? It is claimed,by a Sikh spokesman, who...
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On a couple of occasions now I've followed a vehicle where the driver has seemed either extremely tired [continuously drifting onto the hard shoulder lane then swerving back into the traffic] or...
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My mint is looking a bit scruffy should i cut it down now to get a fresh growth ?
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My daughter and her former partner of 20 years have recently split up due to him forming a relationship with another man, they both still live in their house, as neither wants to leave the property....
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How and when did Mozambique, a former Portuguese colony, become a member of the British Commonwealth? It is represented by a team at the current Commonwealth Games.
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My daughter had her licence took off her for three years.which has now gone,DVLA sent her a letter telling her she must pay £65 to get it back,which she came today and it is a provisional...
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Okay so I know I have made a big mistake here. I went out with my friends the other night and we were all drinking and getting high a bit. We had a really good night and we were on our way home about...
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what is the difference between GBH and ABH and what do they mean?...

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