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anotheoldgit Every year we are told of these alarming figures of population growth in the UK, when are our politicians going to address the problems...
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I have previous convictions, 1 common assault, a section 4a, and I have just been charged again with common assault, while on probation for the section 4a. My partner has withdrew her statement and I...
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If you are in court accused of multiple charges against multiple accusers for example (Rolf Harris, DLT, Max Clifford etc), how is fairness guaranteed if each case is presented in front of the same...
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if they vote yes then do you think they should be allowed to vote in the general election next year?
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me and my butty got to wondering this morning if you can walk into a bank and put cash into someone(who isn't present) else's account. I initially thought you could but I'm not so sure now. Told him...
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How are bus companies reimbursed when you use your pass? My pass says concessionary travel funded by HM Government and my local authority. Thanks for any reply....
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Even the allowance for hosting the World Cup looks iffy ' is it time to scrap this over rated ,costly show ?
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Mic has a small pension due to be paid to him starting on his birthday this month. He must make a decision on how to take it, as most know Mic is not a well man. So the decision is mine. He has been...
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When they're already in a safe country? Whilst I may understand the plight of a few who may deserve asylum, are the French acting as a result of the Euro...
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Got my reminder to pay C TAX and paid it. Next I get a letter today with a court date so when I finally got through I was told I need to attend court. As gesture of good will I offered to pay next...
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Uriah Heep
This year we seem to be suffering a plague of slugs. Every night the patio is covered with dozens of them. It is doing Mrs Heep's head in and the constant moaning mine too! Does any one know of a sure...
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I don't know how many of you watched Question Time last night but once again against all adversity, Nigel Farage won the night. The majority of the audience were with him, even a young Asian chap who...
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jomifl Has PC gone too far? Is there an alternative?...
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mikey4444 Am is missing something here ? This thug at the Old Bailey, in 2002, received 13 life sentences for robbery and 13 concurrent five-year sentences for...
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not, hard to believe he is not sitting in some land fill dump
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It all just keeps getting better...............although she has said she has donated her 17k severance payout to charity, what the heck is going on with MPs? she has done wrong and yet she still...
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Who'd have thought it? At the General Election televised leaders debate, Clegg did very well, probably beating both Cameron and Brown. Now in the EU debate, the underdog Farage has won both debates. I...
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At the end of January 2014, my DH received a letter from DVLA asking him to send his licence in to have points added to it following being found guilty of running a red light in his absence. He called...
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If I take a lump sum out of my final salary pension is the lump sum taxable?
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Hi. I have a customer who is refusing to pay us. We did a job for them in October 2013, invoiced them by email (as they requested), unfortunatly we emailed the invoice to the wrong department...

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