50a A party in a shoe? That will keep you warm M?F?L? 76a What one may do with a bargain picture on high s?A? ?P 96a How to charge at Hannibal's home CA?T?AGE 70d Positioned a ram upside down... ...
Q: The YouTube Channel, "Big Jet TV" live streams footage of what vehicles landing? A: Jet Skis! Come on even the most stone faced Anti TTTers must admit that's hilarious!
16a. Seeing more clearly after these, hopefully, it sounds like I dump a Pole (8)??e?r?p? 4d. Helps cook the beast (5) ????? 2d. Piece of music based on the ode by a United Irishman (4,4) t?n?... ...
My friend wants to go out tomorrow but wants to go to hers for 6 but I'm just thinking about money aswell taxi to hers then to town and back or go out with my parents.
Help please my copy of the quiz only arrived yesterday together with a large number of Christmas cards so time is if the essence Q29 The children's Father Christmas Q31 Decoratively attractive... ...
Apparently a caller to LBC radio commented that if the Tory government can pass a law that says Rwanda is safe place – then why not pass a law that says Sunak has met all his 5 pledges? Surely... ...
15a In some state , having arranged a saloon haircut ??U?H ?A?????A 47a Was this artist also a referee/ ??I?T?ER 86d How to make Tom reshape the mood in general ???O????/E Thank you all in... ...
All answers contain a shade or colour. Some are cryptic, anagrams, hidden words, artist's colours, some are straightforward definitions. I only need one more: "Symbolically, it's always found in... ...
Very many thanks for your good advice re posting links which you offered me yesterday on CL's thread.I have just experimented with it and achieved it first attempt. It seriously bugged me when some... ...
The other day I sent my daughter some flowers from a very well known company. They were Felton time and are beautiful. However - inside the box was a leaflet with 3 headings. Rose's, Freesia's and... ...
I am reading a novel and was jarred by a reference to this painting because the author refers to the subject as a woman. I see a man in the painting. What do you think?
One guy since we followed each other never liked any photos or post after over a yr. All of a sudden he liked a photo from mos back. Another guy I stopped texting because he stopped texting me like... ...