There was an article on this on the BBCi magazine earlier this week. It's where you get a 9x9 grid with some numbers filled in and you have to complete the grid making sure that each column and...
i the story of the infantas is not true then how come that the people f castille gave a terra cotta elephant with the castle on top, to the elephant and castle pub which now stands on top of the...
We used to have this as a pud in primary school mumble mumble years ago. They were sort of oaty biscuit with a really lovely, light texture. Found myself dreaming about them yesterday and...
What is the meaning of "low-hanging" in the following sentences? Entering the narrow, low-hanging walkways that bordered the courtyard perimeter, Langdon felt the familiar uneasiness he always felt in...
From the pairs of options below pick the one choice which you favour from each pair. It doesn't matter what your reasons are for making your choice as long as you have picked one from all twenty...