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I play online games on the site through Yahoo, but lately I have been having problems getting on to the site. Does anyone else have experience of online gaming communities? Willing to...
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These have always fascinated me. Is there one for the answerers on this site? Maybe you would like to suggest one?
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who else detests cats?
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Does anyone have any ideas how to stop my cats from raiding nests and killing the baby birds?
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what is passed along in a food web?
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does anyone know why if you are a football fan and your team is winning by one goal and you are waiting for the final whistle, time seems to go slowly, but if you are losing 1-0 time seems to go...
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choc lover
anyone know any good cream, make up product or generally anything to help reduce the appearance of redness????
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id like to buy fresh fish direct from boat any ideas where this is possible
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I have 18 days in August and a free plane ticket anywhere in the world. Where do I go???
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does anyone know if i can take tea/coffee in my hand luggage? it will be in sealed clear containers, small ones!
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I know this guy who likes to think he's very wise but actually can be a bit naieve. Maybe I just think this because of the fact I have a few female friends who've either slept around without using...
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Is it lawful for an employee of a National Park to stand for election as a County Councillor? To clarify; the National Park is within the county.
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There are regular ads for a piece of material which it ia claimed will keep a chest freezer free from ice and the need to empty to defrost. Does it work?
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My eggs passed their use by date yesterday. How many days after this day can I eat them, safely?
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A friend has been beset by moles in her garden. She wants to know how best to deal with them. Any tips? Use of a spade not a welcome answer! lol
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hi my cat has weed on my leather sofa really bad and wondered what might get the stain / smell away argggg.
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I know this means "76 trombones in the big parade" and that 12 M in a Y = 12 months in a year ...... but what are these type of riddles/questions known as and where can I find an on line quiz full of...
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who is the voice of M&S food

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