Would anyone be stupid enough to rent one of his rooms and have to adhere to his strict demands? £15 charge for leaving dirty dishes in the sink??? Love the bit at the end which says 'enjoy your read...
How bad must a thread be for the person writing it to be banned for life can they appeal to the court of human rights, I still maintain that a total amnesty should be granted as some of the threads...
Of related questions? I find it absolutely pointless. There was one lot that were about 5 years old. How is that relevent to anything. Ed get a grip and do away with it please.
have any of you come to any decisions today - important or otherwise - or have you like me spent the whole day being busy doing nothing?
seem to have just drifted around today....
We had new neighbours move in to the rented house next door last Thursday and they seemed ok, until Sunday..... they brought their little black and white dogs home. Although they are cute and I know...
My step father in law is dying of cancer, whilst he was still in fairly good health he made a Will and is leaving everything to my partner (his step son). He has a blood son but they have not spoken...
That'll teach me to stay up on AB until 1.45 in a morning, went to bed at 2am, 3am woken by call from son, his fiancee had gone into labour at 2.30 and I had to take her into the hospital, did you see...
Have you ever seriously thought about it and if so, what made you realise it would be a bad choice , did things get better for you and your situation and you are pleased you never saw it through ?
Breast may be classed as best for many, but heck...do little girls really need a doll to mimic this act....
Ever since New Year, every time I open the paper or watch the TV, someone seems to be talking about the awful survival statistics for lung cancer. It seems I have already passed the average sell-by...
I am going to have a new bathroom, the cost is about £7000, I have £35000 in the bank earning 3% so my question is should I get a loan for £7500 @ 5.2% over 3 years or should I pay cash, I am a...
Amy Whinehouse death verdict, accidental alcohol poisoning then coroner says she voluntarily consumed alcohol which led to her death how can it be accidental and voluntary!
http://www.standard.co.uk/news/education/violent-school-pupils-attack-900-london-teachers-a-year-8440965.html In Britain we may not have anything like India's brutality to women, thank goodness, but...
Following recent discussions here when it was suggested that Britain’s legacy in India might be responsible for the brutal rape and murder of a young woman, and that the crime wasn’t motivated by...