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Driving up the M1 & M6 yesterday I noticed that (must have been at least a dozen) lorries had written on their back doors in the road muck that is thrown on to them the words 'Slap the...
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What is the origin of this quote, please?
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Gemmel 1978 versus McFadden 2003......I can't decide which is the better goal...what do you think?
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I managed about 5 mins of last night's Wife Swap before switching off...................I knew what to expect but was a glutton for punishment anyway. Does this swamp donkey have any redeeming...
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a soon to be imposed residents parking scheme means that we will have to pay to take our children to school even though residents parking permits will be free. almost all parents blood is boiling on...
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Is this the most annoying saying that you've ever heard....or is it just me.....I'll get me coat then. I hadn't ever heard it till about a year or so ago now everyone is using it.....'well the alarm...
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Much as I love them, old people shopping in supermarkets at the weekend drive me up the wall - they've had all week - am I an intolerant miserable sod or does it annoy other people as well?
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Don't really know what category this question should go under, but here goes - on Corrie a couple of weeks ago somebody mentioned that cab drivers are exempt from wearing a seatbelt - can anybody...
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There is currently a very very annoying on TV about Diamond car insurance, which is only available to women - my question is, as a male could I phone them and demand a quotation on the basis that it...
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Is there a website from which I can down load old ZX Spectrum games?
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Can somebody please put me out of my misery - either I just don't 'get it' or I am a bit thick (or both), but in the FOrd Focus C-Max advert, what do the washing machines, jellies and rubber ducks...
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I am going through the process of buying and selling a house, and am therefore dealing with a number of Estate Agents, and quite frankly, to a man I have found them all to be utter utter liars and...
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Disgusting hypocrite or good mother looking out for her child? Personally, I feel she has a perfect right to send her child to a fee paying school BUT, having criticised Harmon, B Liar and all other...
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How can I put this ??????????There are many ways of referring to the above activity , but does anyone know where the word beginning with W and ending in K originated ????
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In terms of the political and social situation in Cuba, would it be safe for someone from th UK to go on holiday there?
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Marc Dillon. Violent criminal who should be disqualified or voted out as soon as possible or pleasant young man who made one small mistake and now desrves nothing but forgiveness. My vote is the...
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Probably already been flogged to death, but here goes...............freeloading waste of space parasites or essential to our country? I am firmly of the parasite school of thought.
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I have heard a rumour that Texan Bars are on the way back - the only choccie bar I've ever liked, I seem to recall on a cold day on the way to school they took forever to chew through. Can anybody...
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Blair's keynote speech - good or bad?
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Does anyone remember a spearmint chewy sweet from the 80's which was green and white striped and looked like a opal fruit/starburst. They came in big bags as well. Does anyone remember the name and...

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