A woman was in town on a shopping trip She began her day finding the most perfect shoes in the first shop and a beautiful dress on sale in the second. In the third everything had just been reduced to...
With the modern tendency for odd sexual practices being overkilled on tv, how about the following updated progs. Pornorama. Once aporn a time Porn with the wind. Porn Free. The porn identity.
Morning ABers!!! My 4 year old lad loves Crumpets but sometimes his words come out wrong , this morning I asked him what he wanted for his breakfast, he said "can I have two strumpets please daddy"?...
My 6 year old is getting his first permanent molars at the mo. The ones at the top are fine, but the ones at the bottom - partially erupted so far - are troubling me. At school on Friday, he said...
if you could spend 1 hour today in a totally different place. where would you spend that hour and what would you do? anything goes. keep it clean though ; -)
Dear Answer Bank. I read somewhere that a person had his picture taken and one eye was red (normal 'red-eye' effect) but the other showed as a strange whitish/yellow colour. Apparantly there was a...
we had a great night last night all us large ladys ..this was me forget .nutgone . boo b4 we went to the club http://search.msn.com/images/results.aspx?q=fa...
I thought you Fellow Abers might enjoy doing this personality test on the BBC website http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/su rveys/whatamilike/index.shtml Apparently I'm a Strategist
...Homeopathic Phosphorus at 30c ? A vet has recomended this for my cat but have tried many chemists and healthshops but can not find it anywhere. Dont want to particually use a net supplier. Thanks
ok so you can meet a bride online. anyone done it ? anyone know of anyone whos done it ? do you think its sad or just a quick way to bring people together ?
A 12-year old girl was picked to front the Gold Coast Fashion week in Australia. The girl who is 5ft 7ins believes that because she can fit into women's clothes she should be allowed to work in the...
I've been looking forward to having a baby since I was about 15 but knew that being a teen mum was a bad idea so I waited till I was in the right possition with a good education, job and stable...
This is in Family too - don't shout at me! My 6 year old is getting his first permanent molars at the mo. The ones at the top are fine, but the ones at the bottom - partially erupted so far - are...
Please take some time out to answer some of the Answerbank's older unanswered questions. I mean just look at this poor guy who has waited 6 1/2 years for me to answer his question....
Anyone have any clues for the following:- 4 George, Andrew, David and Patrick (3,6) 5 You wouldn't want to eat this (6,3) 8 Monty Python might complain to them (3,4,4) 10 The females can come as well...