I have been waiting many, many months just for a consultation and diagnosis of a cervical prolapse condition. I am thinking of going private but cannot find any prices anywhere on the net and...
I am just not the domestic type at all and I find it really hard when it comes to sewing - especially taking up trousers and hems - I've tried using a sewing machine but I'm hopeless and it costs...
I recently did the one thing I always said I'd never do and bought one of those fitness aids - it's called the 6 Second Abs machine - I've tried the workout and it sure does seem to work the...
I expect somebody's already asked this - but how on earth did they remake the Singing in the Rain clip (can't remember what make of car it was for) just thought it was fab! I just don't...
I am receiving the above error message upon trying to install a basic computer game onto my laptop. It used to work but since updating with SP2 and other issues I've had it will no longer...
I have a basic skateboard computer game I want to load onto my laptop for my son. I have done it before but for some reason I cannot install it anymore. I get the following error message...
I recently removed Norton Anti-virus/Symantec from my system as it was conflicting all the time with my XP and made my whole system really slow. It was the best thing I ever did and now my...
I am converting AVI movie clips into Mpeg format via AOA Advanced X Media Converter. I get the choice of converting to Mpeg 1 or 2 and can choose the fps rate. Anybody know which would be the...
Hi I'm hoping to go to Colombia in the summer for a long term holiday with my very young son to see family. It will be our first trip there and I'm wondering if anybody can recommend reasonably...
I would like to use a spray or similar to repell bugs/flies (carpet bugs included) since they're now invading my flat. But I have allergies and a four yr old son so I wonder if anybody has any...
I have been converting AVI files to Mpeg format. They play absolutely fine but at the end of the movie clip I get this message " Warning: Nothing to output Bframe decoder lag" ????!!! What does...
I seem to have two msn men on my taskbar - one is windows messenger and one is msn messenger. Are they two different programs or are they the same thing under a different name? I would...
I keep getting a message on my laptop everytime I start it up saying "video controller" hardware found (VGA compatable)...... what does this mean and why am I getting it? I do not have anything...
I recently created a MSN Space and I've received messages from other members but cannot reply. When I go to look for their sites, it says they don't exist. Instead I get asked to join the MSN...
I have an american laptop so where the pound symbol is I have a doller symbol. Can I change the key format at all? I have managed to use a shortcut key feature which is ok for word...
Last summer I had bugs in my flat. This year they've returned in larger numbers. I had a pest control guy round today who identified them as Tobacco Beetles or Cigarette Beetles. I...
I recently found myself saying "what is the world coming to" and really meaning it. Abigail Witchalls was the young Mum stabbed in the neck and left partly paralysed when she was out walking her 2yr...
Recently I posted a query regarding us severe hay fever sufferers and if anybody had any suggestions. I was given quite a few, one of which I have now tried and tested!! They are...
I have a Canon i350 printer which until recently was such a great little printer - my photos were always excellent quality. I haven't used it for a while and when I connected it up to print some pics...