B=Boxwatching Was the quiz on Crackerjack called Take a letter or Double or Drop, or something else? B=Boats and Boating What happened to all 3 of Edward Heath's boats, Morning Cloud? Was the Bismark...
If you haven't sent off your answers yet you only have a few days left. The closing date is 1st November. Preparations for our next quiz are almost complete and will be launched in mid November - keep...
Our new quiz is available. The answers are such that they could follow the phrase 'Doctor, I think I have got ............ Quizes ?1 each. Send sae to Children of Fiji, 1 South Drive, Cattistock,...
Just to say in the very short time its been up & running we have now had a thousand hits on the site Yeeeh! Many thanks everyone for your support. And yes I know this is not a question but I dont care...
1. Who had the wardrobe built. 2 words 9 letters and 7 - The Narnia Professor does not really fit. 2. Did this teacher blow hot and cold - 2 words - 9 letters and 5 letters - again could be a...
WEEKE PRIMARY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. New quiz is now available. "HOME SWEET HOME!" 100 questions about who lives here. ?25 first prize. Please send ?1 + S.A.E to: Mr R.G Wyatt 3 Fromond Road, Winchester,...
good morning to one and all, Sorry to keep on about these questions, but really need some more help here! 1) Who did the looker marry 4 and 5. - - e / - - - - - 2) Did this teacher blow hot and cold?...
Please can anybody tell me whether this quiz is out yet. I sent off a cheque to pay for it on 5th August, when I sent in the answers to the last quiz and note that it has been cashed from my account.
Just added 2 new quizzes that came up on my AB and I didnt check the date it was only a few minutes later when I realised all the listings showing were 2007 and I had added them to the Fundraising...
The Bluecoat School, Oldham Christmas Quiz 'Seeing Double' has arrived. Please send a cheque for ?1.00 and SAE to Keith Gledhill, Tandle View, 192, Middleton Road, Royton, Oldham OL2 5LT. There is...