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If you answer a fool according to his folly, in the sense of answering in harmony with his folly or according to it, you put yourself in agreement with the fool.
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I can sit on mine easily, but I wear it pinned up all the time, I think I'd like it cut, but my hubby would be horrified. It's in good condition, the ends get trimmed regularly, and even though I'm...
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We live in a private property that can only be accessed via a shared driveway. This is shared with one other private property. The owners of the other property bought their freehold and now dictate...
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carlyon bay
I would be grateful if anyone could explain a term on a recent letter I had from my Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon I have been on this site before regarding my hip briefly I had a metal on metal...
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A silly question really, I know. Why does instant coffee taste so much better if you put the milk in first? It's the same ingredients just mixed in a different order yet a different flavour is...
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Does anyone know whether the "+" before a number means I have to dial "0" before the phone number or do I need the international dialing code for that country? It's for a German...
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I have heard various rumours that the cash machine (and possibly card reader in the garage) have been cloned. What exactly does that mean? That when I used my card in the machine my card details could...
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// The watchdog said the incident could amount to a criminal offence of common assault and that it should have been referred to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). However, the six month time limit...
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Most religions do teach that a person should not lie or steal, and so forth. But is that sufficient? Would you be happy to drink a glass of poisoned water because someone assured you that most of what...
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Can anyone tell me where I can purchase Stilton & Port Kettle Chips at the moment please? TIA
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I think it's that you'll never know if you were right, you'll only know if you were wrong.
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If you receive a call claiming to be a rep from BT do not under any circumstances give out your credit card details, its a scam. They say you haven't paid your bill and will cut you off if you don't...
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Ever since my husband won a coconut at a local fete two months ago, it has been rattling round my fridge. Left to my own resorts, I would throw it out but he is dead chuffed with winning it and...
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The drug caffeine can affect mind and body, but so can alcohol.
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To survive, we need to breathe, drink, and eat, just as animals do. But to be happy, we have a need that animals do not have.
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Time is especially vital for true Christians, who are told: “Keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, buying out the opportune time for...
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can't find a suitable category, sorry I've been getting phone calls from this number(not answered) and have searched the whocallsme web site,this number has been around for about 4 years it seems, the...
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The Duchess of Alba has announced her engagement. Please supply a headline or caption to commemorate this glorious occasion. http://www.telegraph....s-to-marry-again.html...
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I was watching or reading something the other day and i thought of this question so no real purpose except a curious mind. When someone donates an organ the organ recipient has to take ant rejection...
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I was watching or reading something the other day and i thought of this question so no real purpose except a curious mind. When someone donates an organ the organ recipient has to take ant rejection...

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