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Hello. A question:- What started "1887"? I think that it might be a book or a play - the inverted commas suggests that it is not something like the Eiffel Tower. Any help, please....
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I downloaded IE9 as an update..hated it so got rid...back to everyday I keep getting a Microsoft Update telling me I have an IMPORTANT update.......IE9!!!! Do I HAVE to have it???????...
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probably the wrong category but figured more people were on here! any thoughts on the wisdom/economy of filling up my domestic oil tank now?
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How many calories does it have? I tried to google it but the stupid firewall counts it as drugs!!!!!...
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Was "Catcher In The Rye" a cult novel prior to the Mark Chapman murder of John Lennon or did it become so because of it?
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2 Kings Chapter 19 Isaiah Chapter 37 Can any bible scholar tell me why these open with identical wording?...
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Both speakers have been checked on another system and are working perfectly. What might be the cause of the amp problem? Thanks.
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Very much has been said on Answerbank regarding certain newspapers, which incidentally are all classed as the 'The Right Wing Press', or 'those rags' and sometimes much worse. So in a matter of...
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I have an interview tomorrow for an apprenticeship as a parts consultant at a local motor factors. does anyone have any tips on interview techniques and how to stop myself from hesitating so much. I...
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Best answer, do people get points or something?
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Thank goodness that someone has seen sense as they were due to be scrapped in 2018. No one could come up with a suitable alternative. I use Cheques reguarly as do many others so I am well pleased....
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That in 16 hours I will be going on holiday!!!!
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Is anyone else going to watch the programme “”Dynamo: Magician Impossible” tonight on channel Watch (Sky Channel 109, Virgin Media 124)? I thought I’d record it on Sky + to see...
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Aldi. Where that dour faced old woman sits behind a table with two packets of teabags - saying that her husband likes both of them. Then she very seriously states "I don't like tea. I like...
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Some councils ban breast feeding in public buildings such as reception areas and libraries. Do you agree with banning or is it natural?...
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i found out yesterday that my next door nabour is a convicted rapist, is there somewhere i can clarify this? secondly i have a 13yr old daughter living with me, should the council have notified me of...
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I wondered if it's just a matter of belief or not or is there any proof even the tiniest piece, that the future is out there? What do others think or know, if the past has been and we have proof as...
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but having just got a netbook,I am amazed by the amount of people that have an unsecured connection.Why when even I set up secure do other people not see the need?Just in my home there are 3 different...
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i am on outlook express when i try to send or receive emails keep getting asked for user name and password please can you tell me whats wrong
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Hi all - hadn't a clue where to post this one!! Anway - my sis in law is running a half marathon on Sunday - we are going to cheer her on along the route and was thinking of making a DIY good luck...

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