The theory behind the slimming world eating plan red and green days is that you dont mix carbs and protein in the same meal. I have tried this and it does actually work, does anyone know why it does...
All these people on telly this morning saying how they feel sorry for Cheryl Cole at losing her job on the US version of The X Factor.... I always struggle to feel sorry for multi-millionaires. But...
I'll do this here instead of on another thread that made me think of it. Does it annoy you when people use words in the wrong way or use the wrong word in a sentence? For example, my boyfriend...
I have a small wooden chest lined with fabric that has been glued on. The chest has a strong 'gluey' smell that I can't get rid of. I've tried washing it, baking powder, febreeze, essential oils and...
Have any of you got any suggestions? I was thinking about getting Bobjugs' name done across my chest. Or maybe an anchor with Mum written in on my forearms.
Help me decide.
Got into bed at 12.30 ish this morning with my book and immediately smelled a not very nice smell. Then realised my 18 year old cat had peed on my beautiful one week old £200 bedspread. Yanked...
You'll have to excuse my ignornace of all things toilet related, I'll try to explain as best I can. We have one of those toilets with two buttons as the flusher on top of the cistern. When you press...
Hi all I have been getting a touch of toothache lately. It is in a molar that has been filled and refilled several times so it is probably on its last legs. Can anyone give a ballpark cost figure for...
I'm feeling really depressed lately , I've been to my doctors for help but they say I'm just in a low mood and ill soon feel better but I truely believe I'm suffering from depression, the problem is I...
I have a questionnaire with 17 questions. The answer for each question is one of the following; 'very satisfied', 'satisfied', 'neither satisfied nor dissatisfied', 'dissatisfied', 'very dissatisfied'...
I've just taken a bag of fish out of the freezer. I thought it was cod when I bought it but its Alaskan Pollack. Is this similar to cod? Is it a strong tasting fish? I'm cooking for someone who isn't...
Many people over time have reported their sightings of flying saucers and many of these have reported that the disc was spinning. Some people have reported fantastic speeds at which the saucer then...
Why do some people insist that speed camaras should be hidden out of sight so as to catch more drivers speeding? If the reason for them is to make drivers slow down and so reduce accidents, surely...
Tonight we are having a few people round so I'm doing Chicken tikka, and some onion bhajis to start, served with a lemony mint and yoghurt sauce, and salad garnish, then a lamb bhuna, a beef Madras,...
Hi, Our son William was born on 18th May 2011
33 Hours later we made the very difficult decision to turn his ventilator off, to spare him more hurt.
Bednobs x...