Is is possible (in theory) that we all see colours differently. What's to say that my blue is somebody else's red. The only way we can describe colours is by describing something that is that colour.
I'd like to insult someone...can you help me with some nasty insults or rebuffs (eg. .. Don't slice me up with your sharp tongue) .. its all for fun. A friend and I regularly try to out-insult each...
The Scot half of my family have a cupboard by their chimy called a press, though its just a normal cupboard. No one seems to know why it's called this, although there had been some preculation.....any...
Ok - i didn't know which section to post this under!! I am hoping to set up a cottage industry, designing greeting cards. I need to find a company that sells plain white normal fold cards. Has anyone...
Which was better? The Spitfire or the Hurricane? Most people go for the Spitfire by my grandfather always told me that it was the Hurricane that really won the Battle of Britain.
What are your favourite examples thereof? Mine are French champagne, from the very beginning, at this moment in time, added bonus and free gift. I'm not sure if the following are tautological strictly...
ok - this is going to sound odd... you know when you've been asleep or sitting on a wicker chair with a short skirt on or something and you get imprints on your skin? my friend says that it's called...