this is just a hypothetical question, if, lets say my car was clamped in one of these dodgy carparks that display a tiny wheel clamp warning signs,would i be within my rights to chain the wheel clamp...
I have just moved into a house Cir. 1921, the previous owners had a fetish for textured wallpaper. I have removed this now but years of flaky paint was underneath. I really don't want to wallpaper. I...
I want to get the equivalent of a pre-nup drawn up. My partner is moving in and I want it to be legally binding that he will have no claim on the house if we split up. (Hopefully not!) The house and...
What is the minimum wage for my age? I'm 19 and i get ?3.80 an hour, i thought it was supposed to be ?4.20 for my age group. Also my boss asked me to work 9 til 6 instead of my usual 1 til 6 but only...
I believe the expression is tighter than a Gnats ar$e, but my brother in law thinks it is Fishs ar$e. I have googled both and found both refered to - what do you think is the more popular.
I am due to recieve a cheque for approx 15k and wanted to know if I can cash it at the branch it is drawn from and as it would be probably made out to both myself and my wife would we both need to go?
A freind of mine has recently inherited ?20k. As she does not immediately need to use this money she is looking for the most effective way of investing this money. She does not currently own any...
If your bloke (fiancee of 3 years) had once a crush on a female friend (who he only knew for about 6 months) and you caught him sending suggestive texts, broke up with him, he realised what he'd done...
If a property is on the market for 99,500 but have excepted an offer of 95,000 on the basis of it being a cash payment. then months later after purchaser had already agreed the deal. the estate agent...
I know its not quite here yet but christmas is getting closer and i am starting to worry a bit as i haven`t got a job at present due to personal reasons, i hate christmas as it is but having no job...
i have another question i am dealing with a older lady and we have a good time together and she would com and spend the night at my house now she is saying we can't do those things anymore because she...
How many of you know of products that have come out at the wrong time and have lost out in the run of things. I'm thinking of things like the Sega Dreamcast which was really good it just didn't sell...
Did more people attend the anti iraq war demo in London, than the Countryside Alliance pro hunting demonstration a few months before? Or was it the other way around?
Since Saddam went into hiding, how many people have died in Irag, and can this be broken down into Number of coalition troops; number of Iraqi innocents (killed by car bombs etc) and number of Iragi...