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Hi All Quick question about pate? I love love love this stuff and have woken up this mornig seriously craving pate on toast. Whilst i am aware i should avoid pate is there any harm in eating it very...
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I am coming up to 12 weeks pregnant and in a real situation.... I have a child already who currently lives with his father and is 4 this month. I amwith someone else currenlty not yet divorced but we...
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I am 15 and had an abortion on July 18th. That sunday, I started taking the pill. Today is September 4th and I am on the second pack of pills and still haven't gotten my period. What's going on?
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hello im aprox 8 weeks gone now and feeling lousy! with my first child i had morning sickness ( and day and night sickness!!!!) for a week and that was it! no othe symptoms this time no sickness but i...
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my bf has acne and has tried every thing for it. allsorts of acne cream, tablets and much more. it really stresses him out wihich leads to more spots!! he also has been to the doctors and they keep...
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I ve been seeing this guy for over 5 months. During all this time we never talked about what each of us do.I know its odd.Its a fist question you ask when you meet a person :"so what do you...
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Right!! I've just got off the phone to my boyfriend and we were talking about going to the casino tomorrow night. He is going to America (taking in Las Vegas, Northern ligts, Alaska etc) for 3 weeks...
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hi my 7 year old daughter has been complaining about her nipples being sore i told her that her breasts are going to start growing soon but i am unsure if its too early for them to start now and will...
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My girlfriend is pregnant with our second child, however, she's apparently been given an exact conception date (i.e. right down to the day). I hadn't realised that was possible. How accurate is this?
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hi I am currently on a low calorie diet to lose weight to go on a holiday later this year and I am rubbish at cooking meals what have low calories. does anyone know of any meals or foods that are low...
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What do the shops do with the unsold Easter Eggs once Easter is finished
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I'm not an alcoholic, and I don't think I know any, but why is it that when you see an alcholic being treated the treatment is always to give up completely and never touch a drop again, why is the...
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well... i keep having the same argument with my other half about the right way to cook steak, i like mine medium, which is nice, he likes his rare which is fair enough, each to their own and all that,...
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I have heard from another site that poor Patrick has only five weeks to live> can any one verify this please. Thanks for ur time
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What can I eat with it? As in putting it in a meal. I stuffed some peppers with it today but what else can you eat it with?

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