Local (Oxon) quiz - all we can find so far is = Quaking Grass; possibly some dialect name? No number of letters, just two words starting with D. Won't say 'Thanks in advance' etc - if anyone can help...
All answers are food or drink 1) christmas country (7) 2) Make money from eastern parts (12) 3) Food for a muppet (7,5) 4) Old Style breakfast (8) 5) Pit with the right pebble (10) 6) Bird Fish (6,4)...
Hello. I have some tv questions from the fiji quiz can anyone help us please? 35 Angry Ways 44 He made a geest appearance 50 Complete scenic view 66 Gravity 69 Get Smash! Thanks for anyone who can...
Girl's name with pip? Ground Capsicum? A flame Alien? Collect a crop,a fish,agent in the cold? Yearn for almonds or brazils? Thanks for previous answers
Answers are either makes or models of cars past & present. I'm really stuck on the following and running out of time. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. 1) In a gondola without love 2)...
Hi, What is the whatstandwell quiz and is it still running? Any other charity quizzes available at the moment? I know about the rainbow one. Thanks for your help
1) Knitting, Sewing, Birdwatching ETC 2) He plays the bagpipes on the beach 3) It twinkles before the heather 4) Grumble 5) Wee **** 6) The feline is not asleep 7) Precious Emblem 8) This one is crazy...
this question was asked sum time ago on this site but no answers. any help 2 solve would be great its a sweet or choclate 1. sounds like you,little gary thanks karl