I expect I am in concord with the majority on here, and would wish to see a greater presence of liberated advanced democracies like Chad, Ethopia, and Somalia, but what always puzzles me and what I am...
Here's an early book on the 2008 US elections: Okay here's what I reckon: Barack will get the majority of the countries vote in the early poles...'Evil' Clinton will attempt to bully and buy her way...
In the news this morning I heard that less and less students are applying for Uni. Demonstrators have cited the main reason as rising tuition fees; I can't agree with this. I hold an honours degree in...
An ABer said that King Canute tried to do something about rising sea waters. What did King Canute try to do? I'm suspecting it was a flat failure, so how badly did his actions fail?
We are all about to be landed with hefty tax rises..why? Shouldn't we let nature take its course. Rising sea levels.. King Canute tried to do something about this..what did he achieve? We are now...
http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?th readID=4521&&&edition=1&ttl=20061027104306 In reality this will affect sensible drinkers too so why should we have to pay for the brats who can't handle...
My son flew into Heathrow last week from Australia via Hong Kong. He walked off the plane, picked up his bag and when asked if he had anything to declare he said he hadn't so after a glance at his...
My mimiature schnauzer really hates being brished or groomed in any way. It is so bad that I have to muzzle her even when brushing her very lightly. Even muzzled she goes mad. Any suggestions. She is...
Is there another Country that is as Hypocritical as the USA ? Can you remember their Politicians 'Glad-handing' Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness when their hands were still stained with the blood of...
On Dutch TV last night:- Many Dutch are eating Hallal meat. Because the Muslims are allowed to Slaughter in their Ritual manner some Slaughterhouses have gone entirely over to this method. The meat is...
My 3 yr old, neutered male cat gets cystitis and the vet has said this will continue to happen (and may cause serious problems) unless he drinks more. I've tried water fountains (cats terrified of the...
hi can any one tell me does D.A.P plug in diffuser work on 10 year old labrador scared of fireworks before i splash out ?30 and also my vet normaly presribes diazepan 10ml tabs i have heard these are...
Should the Muslim police officers be allowed to pick what duties he carries out? I refer to the Muslim police officer who ask to be removed from policing the Israeli Embassy.
Just wondering from the comments on muslim veils, police officers and mosques below - does anyone on this board actually respects people of the Muslim faith? Or are you all Daily Mail readers?
I was reading old news articles on the net. I was bewildered by: In 2003, three police cars and a black maria were called to the scene in Burnsley (I think) when a 14 year old boy help up the letters...
Since when did claustrophobia become a criminal offence in America ? A claustrophobic woman 'acted suspiciously' on an American flight, so it diverted and she (at 60 years old) has been arrested !!!...