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Afternoon :-) Stuck on a couple, please help me! 7 Stuck on a couple, please help me! 7D. Port city of south-east Spain; from arabic 'city of lights'? A-I-A--E 22A.Unit of dry measure used in various...
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Thankyou SO much for restoring the 'refresh' button. We were lost without it. The site just needs speeding up now and all will be well
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Morning :-) You're up then! Are you OK? This site is moving at the pace of a snail today!...
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Morning :-) Stuck on a couple. 31A A picture or sculpture of Christ crowned with thorns? -C-E / H--- & Is 4D lion?...
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A man ia queueing at the 5 items or less checkout. The girl in front of him turns around and looks at his basket. He has a 4 pack of lager and an Indian meal for 1. She smiles at him. He looks in her...
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Dear Ed, Please bring back some form of filtering for swear words. Some people are effing regularly. I am not a prude, indeed I swear myself, but answerbank is not the place for it. On the plus side,...
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Don't be such a pessimist, you never know. I posted mine too and surely we stand a better chance of winning this week, because everybody doesn't know about this site or go to the bother of ringing the...
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Hi all :-) Just got back from hospital appointment and need to finish the last three, so any help would be appreciated. 2D Scottish Law Date set by a court for hearing a case? D-E- 13A Small...
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Thankyou so much for telling me to sign off and on again. It worked, I now have a box to write my message in!
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We need the REFRESH column back, NOT recently answered.!!!!!!!!!!!! Hardly anyone seems to be using the site anyway so I can't be on my own

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