Anyone got any suggestions for a very mixed group of ..ahem ..ladies, to go abroad in may for a week on a birthday celebration{50th} ages range from 24 to 60 years young-we do like a bit of night...
Does anyone know how kirsty is?she was taken into hospital-very poorly.She was born with her heart back to front.Kirsty has raised thousands for charity even whilst she has been poorly.You must...
Hi,off to the dentist again tommorow....valium here i come.just to let mydogsandme know the valium was an injection.Il be ok tommorow cos i dont remember anything once i had the injection! Big thaks...
Ive been given the above machine which i was told just needed a new drive belt ive bought one and put it on but the little spindle its on hasnt got an end on it so the belt is just...
Anybody reading this had valium at the dentist?Im going for root canal treatment tommorow and im really nervous at the dentist.-ive been offed valium,any advice?
Im going on a jury soon at a crown court,has anyone reading this had any experience of this?i should be receiving the info soon but would like to know now...
has anyone paid a deposit for anything from "euro bathroom superstore"?they have gone bump! my daughters freind has paid ?1000 deposit and awaited her delivery-in the m/c evening...
anyone out there got a narrowboat?if so,have you been to yorkshire on it?is there anything you can tell me about your holiday there?places to see etc,