Today looking for songs which include the name of a river (Worldwide) - must include actual name, not just "river" - not sure how easy or difficult this might be! For starters "Ferry cross the Mersey"...
I regret to inform you that my sister, who you know as 'Emmie' passed away on 26th December. she asked for the announcement to be made on this forum, but unfortunately did not leave details of her...
I'd like to set the record straight I haven't been on this site for months and months, mainly as its boring but also I've found a different forum where adults are actually treated as such and not...
Name a song title with a place name in it ( anywhere in the world )
I’ll start with
Blaydon Races ( this is funny ) I’m delighted I will be here ( in this country ) for this wonderful occasion, at first it was thought it might...
....Apparently all Scots are encouraged to get a "Booster" Jag. Not familiar with the model myself but I do encourage Jag ownership.... /Scientists and engineers have told Sky News the UK's position as a world...
Just a post to endorse the final sentence (see below) of ABSpareEditors post which has responses barred. I feel sure that many Abers share my appreciation for their efforts. ////19. Moderators must...
Inspired by Peters contribution to the mash's mine. I remember dancing to it in junior high school I've got to go out, but keep that music...
I would like to acknowledge that there are some accounts that have been created by our moderators, to help them control the community, without breaking their normal identity. Having multiple...
Not exactly news in the AB sense, but it's my news.Going to be a great-gran in January and I'm so excited. Need the stookie off my arm so I can get knitting....
Ok, arguably a Chatterbank thread as it's just tipsy chat, but ... Made my first Pina Colada today (well the stifling hot weather has been screaming for it for days now). Searched the Web, stopped on...