Slightly more of a request than a question, but I am interested in your views. Please could people learn that: INCORRECT: "I must of forgotten it" CORRECT: "I must have forgotten it" Why do so...
I know this is probably in the wrong section, but i can't find one more apt. How would you go about finding an expert witness to appear for you or prepare a report for court? I have tried...
We have a debate, what is the correct pronunciation of the surname? "van goff' 'van go' 'varn go' as one site suggests: 'varn gich' or 'varn gach' or are the Dutch g's like h's as in Ruud Gullet...
What happens to the Ballot papers after the election? How secret are they? (i.e. can the number on them be referenced to your name at a later date) Are they used in any way to record long term...
Does anybody know how to write the name Victoria in arabic? I lived in Saudi Arabia for a few years when I was younger but never learnt the language, but have come up with the idea of getting my name...
I wonder how many sayings and / or Jokes become out of date due to changes in the world . A joke my dad used to tell ( often! ) was : Conductor : " Pass farther down the Bus! " Passenger " He's not my...
Why are citizens of the Republic of Ireland living in the UK allowed to vote in UK general elections, and vice-versa? It strikes me as odd as Ireland has been independent for many decades now. I know...
I have moved house in the past month, and am registered to vote at old house, but it is too late to register at new house. Assuming I cannot get hold of my voting card from old house - am I still able...
I know that blood flow to the skin increases to aid thermoregulation during moderate exercise. My question is: why does the blood flow then decrease when the exercise increases to intense anaerobic...
Hi, during exercise, how is the circulation to the kidney affected? Would it be true to say that that there is no change in blood flow cos of the mechanisms at the glomerulus?
Leading on from the previous thread what is the worst 'professional' spelling mistake you have seen? Mine was a diversion sign which said 'DIVERTED TRAFIC'
I assume that most if not all ABers will feel as shocked as I do as more details of this attack are made known. Such a seemingly motiveless and senseless violent assault could surely only be committed...
Can anyone help me with this. Who turned down a regal offer of jam thrice weekly plus what would have amounted to around nine shillings for a years employment?
I am not on the electorial register, but would like to participate in next months general election. Am I too late to register to vote? ...somebody told me the deadline was March 31st this year?
If I spoiled my ballot paper in the forthcoming election, would I still count towards turnout figures? I wish to register my dissatisfaction with the four choices in my constituency (none of which are...
Why is it that when they have tv archeology programs the Romen reminans are always 1 meter deep. is it because they always sink over time or is it that "ground level" is getting higher over time?