What a pleasure to have a straightforward puzzle that we could manage. This one was a pleasure from start to finish and great for us relative newcomers. I am glad there is one like this now and then -...
The dreaded numbers. Googly was last seen in November 2006 with Solve Two, Get One Free. I enjoyed this. Not too much heavy duty calculator work, and it all fell smoothly into place. Cheers, Googly
With the thought that I failed on Poat's last 2 listeners, I knew we would be in for some tough clues. Excellent construction, clues (although i havent worked the wordplay out on a couple yet) and a...
I have just read a Lord Peter Wimsey short story and Bunter asks for the answer to these clues A Word meaning Two 7 LETTERS ???S??? A South African Quadruped 6 LETTERS Q?????
I wonder how people are getting on with this one. I found that all but one of the "normal" clues fell in fairly quickly, but now I'm staring at an almost-full grid with no idea how to progress. Any...
Enjoyable, and far less taxing than last week. No doubt the theme will not please everybody, but it's very prettily executed, with great economy and no ambiguity.
An exquisite construction by Kea, with a very pretty ending. I found myself making some wild stabs based on the definitions and then working back to the misprinted wordplay before it all fell into...
8.A.Medical procedure on dad's back after last pin removed. (6,3) 20.A.Fellow taken in by maverick is a capitalist. (8) 14.D. Bothersome steps in confined surroundings. (9)
A while since Charybdis' last Listener (The difficult "Wot no Lines?" in 2007) The grid fill here is much easier, and the quotation was got only after 12 entries. We are left with an ambiguity that...
Not too difficult a challenge this week, but I found the highlighting a little disappointing because of the lack of symmetry: a time-invariant version, omitting the central symbol, would have allowed...
A little later than usual getting started with this. Initially I found this a bit of a slog, but once the theme emerged, it all fell into place quite quickly. All in all, an enjoyable solve, but I...
This week's offering is "Overhead Reduction" by Schadenfreude. No mention of colouring, but apparently scissors, paper, adhesive and a straight edge will be required. Hmmmm !
Hope nobody minds me starting this week's thread. Lengthy preambles aside I've made ok progress with this so far but still a lot to do. Some good clueing and the whole thing looks extremely...
Centrigram gives us this weeks listener with a very nice denouement (better than squaring the circle last year) Although the across anagrams makes it tougher than the clues actually are, there is a...