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Why do people introduce irrelevant judgemental posts on Ab. First today we have people decrying RIPs for Bowie, then on another thread someone suggests it's weird to seek 60's artists still...
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After the tragic loss of David Bowie, who is now left from 60’s “UK” music, that are still making a contribution /change in word music? Stones, McCartney, Van Morrison - who would you add?...
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Just watched the latest version. That was a nice touch acknowledging the death of Donald. Jacqueline seemed quite moved by it. I'm not sure about the new family yet. But what a precocious brat that...
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We hear much condemnation against those who protest over situations that could in time affect us all. These protests are called right wing protests, and those joining in and taking part are labelled...
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My new girlfriend's car got a flat tyre as we were on our way to see my parents, so I called them up and said, '' Mum, I'm going to be late, my girlfriend's got a puncture." "Oh dear" she sighed. "I...
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How different would the response from our elite thinkers be?
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A few comments please from AB Techies and even those, who like myself, are inclined to think they are qualified to talk on such matters; from on-line searches. Hans....
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Interesting video. Difficult to disagree with him.
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Anyone getting in ?
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Well Angie, what have you got to say about this? And once they get their EU passport, guess where this lot will be...
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When I minimise a site it "drops" to the bottom - however I can never get it back up again as I don't know where it goes. Thanks....
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There are large pockets of these people in the town where I live and from the outside they never seem to enjoy themselves. The women spend all their lives cooking, cleaning, washing and shopping at...
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Just been charged £46.00 for a four minute NHS check-up. Really pleased that I don't have any problems but is that really the normal standing charge? Have had endless procedures over the last two...
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more kow towing and bending over to suit muslims why not...
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I heard about this for the first time only last night on the TV program ''It was OK in the 60 s'' but did not believe it was true. But a bit of Googling found it was true and was a phase used by the...
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to crack open a drink for new year (hic!)...
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Your dream job? I very much doubt that any one here is living there dream job. (unless you enjoy been a wage slave and doing anything that pays a wage) If I could have had my time again I would have...
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Just a general comment. I had a problem with upgrading my version of Office 2013 to the 2016 version, which was a free upgrade. On completion, MS Publisher 2016 failed to install and my 2013 version...
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A distinguished young woman on a flight from Ireland asked the Priest beside her, "Father, may I ask a favour?" "Of course my child. What may I do for you?" "Well, I bought an expensive woman's...

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