This kid has a story to eat out on for the rest of her life!...
From a conversation at a mate's barbecue yesterday... What was the first record you ever bought, or had bought for you? You have too be honest, even if it's embarrassing now. I'll open the bidding...
Just a warning - I spoke to a lad working in the middle of the mall re SKY - he had quite a swelling on his eye and got so bad he had to go to hospital and has been on medications. He believes it is...
You should be able to beat me easily this week, I think! I managed a 'bare pass mark', of just THREE out of seven, in the adult quiz . . . and an abysmal ONE...
Yesterday, on our walk through the fields along a public footpath, Dylan dashed off into the long grass and began chasing a little Chinese Water Deer. After what seemed like ages, but was probably two...
If so do you invite people round to share it with? I would find it rather creepy sitting in it half naked with friends or neighbours. I never would, I wouldn't feel comfortable....
I always just put my gas oven cooker on max and hope for the best better cooked than not! A lot of people i know just “whack it on 200” and this is nice but my knob doesn’t have numbers on it theyre...
Ive got a hankering for pancakes/ or waffles maybe, but the only ingredient i dont have is baking powder can i use Andrews Salts? Im not planning to go shopping until next week & obvs trying to...
I have a heart. When I see the scared kids in Afghanistan, the starving in Africa and the abused and battered people in the UK, I want justice, I even want hanging brought back- BUT - it doesn't...