please help! i need either a trustowrthy online translator, or one of you lot to help me!! i would like the word "maat" translated into arabic for a tattoo, and need your help!...
I have an idea for a mural and would like to include my name within it in Arabic, because it means 'worshipped' - not that I'm vain or anything!! Does anybody know of any Arabic calligraphers or have...
I have missed the first few episodes of Prison Break on TV - does anyone know the best and quickest website to download these episodes for free? My friend downloads Heroes and Lost and she says it...
What is the one item of clothing or footwear that a woman can wear that in your opinion makes her look too tarty to touch........? I always think those thigh length boots are SO awful! They do women...
Right. I dont get technology. Need it to be simple. Click two buttons and tah dah. That sort of thing. I would like to download Prison Break Season 3 when it is shown in America. If anyone wold like...
I have a bog-standard computer. And then the internet provider is Homecall Broadband. If I was to get a laptop, what would I have to do to have both the computer and laptop feeding off of the same...
Due to being quite warm lately, I've developed some rawness at the tops of my legs. Apart from getting a lovely young lady to massage in some asps milk, does anyone have any suggestions as to what I...
Is there a law that dictates that after you pass your driving test you have to have a car and be on the road driving wihtin a certain amount of time or your driving license will become invalid?
Balck Noir, this is mainly for you. You wanted to know whether to take your dancin shoes or a good book? Dancing shoes all the way! It was amazing. Absolutley amazing. But don't go there expecting to...
Does anybody know what it means on the 'Invasion - The Complete series' dvd when it says look for missing scenes on the cover? What does it mean by 'missing scenes'? Thanks
When you play a CD, and the tracks come up on the right hand side. Or when you play a playlist and the list of tracks shows ont he right hand side, at the top there is a lil blue arrow, that i cliked....
I have a step mother, who for purely financial reasons has turned from an amaible person into an evil, vitrionic witch. i want to do something that will **** her off and make me feel happier. it must...
What do people make of the ending last night in cape wrath? Eddie just driving off like that at the end and where was he ? looked like he was in the nevada dessert or somewhere? very weird. Nothing...
although teriibly confusing and utterly werid, is anybody esle hooked. in the sense they have to watch every week just to see the outcome in episode 7? very starnge not quite sure its the best thing....