I owe about ?31k in loans, credit cards etc, my partner can only work part-time due to looking after our daughter of 12mths, I will be short of ?-527 per month, the bank cannot help me, we rent our...
My friends on slimfast, and everytime she finishes one about 30 mins later mould starts to grow in the the bottom of the mug. Is this normal or should I tell her to throw the damn thing away?
Hi all I'm having a small bbq on friday (Its my birthday!!) with some close family/friends. We're all very big carnivores (sorry to any veggies) so I normally do loads of different meats and a simple...
Does anyone know where I can get a second hand/discounted Leap Frog Learn and Groove Activity Station? They are ?80 new but my 6 month old tried one at a friend's and was smitten!
Does anyone know where i can get a bottle (or 2 ) of COTY MELLOW MUSk perfume. It is over 12 years old so it may not be around. My hubby is dying of a brain tumour and i wore it on my wedding day and...
Last month I bought an Isle of Wight festival ticket online. The ticket was dispatched registered post, and I thought nothing more of it until all of my friends received theirs and I didn't. I waited...
Hi all, I have my email account with hotmail and today it sent a load of emails to everyone in my address book, that said the following: Hi! How are you? You know I've created my own website! Can you...
OK here's a very girly request....I've recently got myself a new boyfriend and he wants me to go and meet his mates in a couple of weeks time - but to do this he wants to go camping in a campsite that...
Just had a look at the sex toys range ..what would you recommend (i'm Female BTW) ? Wasn't sure whether to put this in shopping or B&S,but thought this was more apt :o)
Hi all, just wanted to post a big thank you to everyone's suggestions about a reading for my Gramps funeral service next week. Just to let you know I am now doing two readings (how did that happen?),...
Hello all, Some of you may have seen my posts in body and soul about the sad passing of my gramps this week. I'd really like to get some sort of rose that I can plant in his memory, he isn't going to...
Is it just me or is the price of soft drinks in pubs outrageous? I'd never drink and drive, but there are times when I go out intending to have a night off the alcohol. However, when I can pay upwards...
I spoke to a woman from West mersea yesterday where I was organising a visit and she said it depends on what time I came but the tide might be up and we might get stuck there. As far as I can see this...