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Poppy Rowan

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as above^^^^^^^^^^ any websites that have some true hauntings etc! just interested in them kind of things tia ssxx
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What song has the lyrics... 'Listen, would you like to hear a secret?'
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sara racy
does anyone know who sings the song 'man of constant sorrow'? I know everywhere says the soggy bottom boys but i only get pics of george clooney and im guessing he didnt acctually sing it?
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What is the name of the Dog in the Janet and John Books/
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does anyone know of any websites that can help me make a family tree? I know a lot require payment, i could do with something very minimal, or free if possible.
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How can I get my 4 pixel Olympus digital camera to focus close up ?
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i am going to greece in a weeks time if i take money from my bank account while out there from an atm machine would i be charge.
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Why is it now considered, by the thought police, that asking for black coffee in a restaurant is a racist remark? To what race does black coffee belong? Would asking for white coffee also be...
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At school, for A level English, i am currently reading A S Byatts possession. I, personally, think it is a boring and unentertaining peice of rubbish, i just wondered if any one else had read it and...

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