It's alphabetical jigsaw, so no crossers to help until some answers filled in....there will be a spare letter in the wordplay.. 6. Dare to laugh guarding small marked space. (6) extra wordplay... ...
A local Scout group has set a fundraising quiz with cryptic clues to a total of 60 London Tube stations. We're stuck on the following (all of which are two-word answers BTW) : 1) Are they all... ...
10 down: Amateur takes test about forecourt (6) The consonants are according to me, TRL, so what is the solution to the clue, please. It's the last one! Thanks
Need confirmation of two : Advertisement boosted big mouthful is it Gulp? Also alternate bits of sphere in heraldic fur. Is it peen? Can't find references in Chambers.
I have an "E" problem. Youngster dropping an E on teeming Spanish island (8) T?N?R?F? The answer is obviously TENERIFE (Spanish island), but I'm having trouble with the parsing. RIFE... ...
so I'm pretty sure clues with an extra word are all down clues 5, 17, 19, 23 I wondered if the 5th was 15 or 25 not sure how these help so clues or hints to the character very welcome
I'd like to finish this before starting on 2683. Could some kind person help me with my last 2 please! 18a. Aussie fish for swell at 40 (3,4) [40 is nag] ??? Carp (sea carp?) 6d. Targets for hockey... ...
15d irish centre perhaps strips - I think have the word defined by last word of clue, but don't understand 'irish centre perhaps' - 1st 2 letters are in irish but...
The wordplay gives an extra letter or a double letter is missing from it... 23a Blunt, shortly annoy and go away (8) ?M?????E 25a Stars show butts on stages (7) ?E?????