Now rife with bombastic, and opinionated keyboard warriors. Negative and aggressive, insulting and downright offensive. This was once a pleasant and helpful site, now it's a verbal moan fest. Some... ...
I am having a handbag and cabin bag no hold bag ... I have 6 100ml bottles can I carry them all if I put them into a clear plastic bag each or am I only allowed one bag??
A few days ago I posted a video of a Komaodo dragon eating a goat alive. I got told by a couple of posters that I was sick for posting it. They obviously hadn't read the text that accompanied it.... ...
They were the best side in the tournement. I am dissapointed but not surprised. We had our moments and I enjoyed the goal and the joy it brought in my club but if I'm honest we were only really in... ...
There was a talent show a few years ago; it might have been X-Factor, or even before that. It was for singers only. There was a boy who did quite well on it, but I'm pretty sure he didn't win it.... ...
I spotted a large beetle in my garden today (Bigger than a bumble bee) Which glowed irridecent colours, from green to gold. Can anyone identify it, as I've not looked it up yet ? Never seen one... ...
Well, I'm the world's most private person you could meet, plus a quiet worker. My co-worker told me he's asking her if I have a partner. I don't know why he wants to know. My co-worker lied to him... ...
Some of you won't want to look but for those that do I'd like to know what you think should be done about it because it seems nothing is despite the horror by many of the locals and them having to... ...
The windows were located in the attic. Some of these windows were a door to starlight. Secrets were hidden behind iron bars on the floor below. The air that filtered through the iron bars brought... ...
help please and parsing 25a satisfied mostly regarding spoken words in opera 6 ?E?O?? 23a peculiar language about region in madrrigalian song 8 C?N?O?E? 22d band's foremost strong point,type of horn... ...
Remember him from A Place in the Sun, only 50 years old? Had young children as well. RIP Jonnie. ...