My son is an actor so is self employed. He has recently landed a contract until January with a theatre company on the equivalent of ?11.000 per annum. Are there any benefits he can claim? The working...
Been bombarded on the telly papers and radio that its she is fifty, i cant say i am a big fan of her music, she hasent the best of voices, but she has excellent foresight and marketing skills, i must...
i always have a lamb rogan josh. I love tomatoes, onions and peppers, but i want to try something new. It's not cheap though, and i'm worried i won't like it. Do you think i would like a bhuna or a...
When i saw the young chinese female gymasts, compared to the other nations they looked decidely underaged and under nourished, now there is the a dispute on one of there medal winners age, they said...
Hi All, I'm hoping you can help settle something between me and the girls at work. I have to email a guy everyday, as he looks after our account for IT goods etc. He always very chatty with me and we...
Just listened to a interview with someone from the olympics commitee, who said that we would have to be as good as the chinese or surpass them, how the hell can we do that,china versus britain no...
it was raining this morning off and on, then became warm, my god the heavens have just opened and its bouncing down the street, thats 5 days that this area has had rain, the weather girls said it was...
I watched "Britain from above" the other week and part of the show focused on the control room for the national grid and demand for power at the end of Eastenders because of a zillion kettles going...
i had some kippers in the freezer(boil in the bag) and someones taken them out and put them in the fridge,can i refreeze them or would i have to eat them straight away?
Hi, does anyone know where i can buy a inexpensive baby food mincer to take away on holiday with me please, so far the only one i can find is on ebay. Thanks.
how do i stop a woman from persuing my fiance for the last 8 years. i have found recent text messages mainly of a sexual nature on his mobile. they did have an affair and she wouldnt let it go.he said...
Getting a tad bored with this programme, some of the topics and guests are sooooooo crap!!!,there are the odd things that catch my interest,total drivel, like the stupid wedding dance thingy,or...
hi, i dont know how to reply to your answers but so far it hasnt come up trumps.. its the woman leaving stickers all around the kitchen,,i.e inside the biscuit jar, the song is soulful, my missus...
I see they have had another succesfull day ( apart from dropping the batton in the relay ) , wouldn't you agree ? I say though - hasn't Gaby Yorath been looking tasty every time she is on ? ( dont...