I am a pensioner of 77 and have a house value ?180,000. I want some equity release on my property - has anyone had experience of this and who is the best provider? What is the maximum amount I could...
Own two houses. Want to sell the one I dont live in. Heard that by registering with the council tax and paying this for a year or so, that I would exempt myself from paying the above tax. Can anyone...
I am currently in the process of selling my property and buying a new house for ?220,000 with my partner. My partner will not be putting any money down on the property and I will be putting a deposit...
Im classed as insolvent and have defaults but i would like to take a job as a mortgage broker, would i be able to do this under my current circumstances? I was suppossed to have an IVA back in 2002,...
I was watching a programme on Inheritance Tax last night. My partner said that if you have been given money by your parents and they die within 7 years then the government can claim 40% of that money...
I have four small amounts of pension savings in different pension funds amounting to c.?4K each and two others which amount to c.?40K and c.12K. Thus I am above the trivial ?15K amount that enables me...
Is it a persons name who get's blacklisted or the address that they are living in? I am renting a property and the last two tenants obviously owe a great deal of money and have not had mail...
Could anyone explain the complexity of capital gain tax. Every year there is an allowance against capital gain tax. If you are to sell an investment property which was bought in Nov.1999 and sold this...
If I cancel a home contents insurance policy , will I be refunded the Insurance Premium Tax element of the premium . My insurance documentation seems to suggest that I will not be refunded the IPT...
If 2 people hold a joint tenancy on a property they own and one of them dies, does the mortgage on the property become a debt on the estate or is it not included in debts.
I am thinking of renting a property out but was wondering about the tax implications. I understand I will be taxed on the profit I make. My questions are: 1. Will I be taxed on the gross rent or net...
Help, I need some (free) pension advice. I am 35 and left my job last year to become a student nurse. I have 2 pensions - a final salary pension which will now lie until I retire and a stakeholder...