What is a good site for free downloading of music, been using Kazaa light , but stuff is always ina queue, or unavailable, so hardly ever able to get anything, thanks
Is there a technical term for that frustrating feeling when, for example, a word you are looking for is "on the tip of your tongue", and you just can't think of it? Th is is happening to me now...
I got 2 mice. THe most social one started to sleep all the time 3 days after I got her. She looked good but was very quiet. SHe did however continue to eat. THis morning I found her dead. THe other...
the hip hop track, where the rapper sounds very drunk and mumbles the lyrics.. everyone keeps telling me its Lloyd Banks - Fire .. but it is NOT lloyd banks..?
Does anyone know any really 'different' music-styled songs they could increase my knowledge with? two guys have already helped me with some cracking tunes, i need some more!!!
what were those choclate drop things in a white bag & i think the bag had animals on the front (a giraffe possibly). they were similarish to choclate buttons but smaller and shiney i think.
Hi... I was in Florence, Italy, and I heard this great song on the radio, but didnt get the songs name or artist or anything. However, I did make a audio recording of it with my digital camera....
The following are the initial letters of words making up the first lines of four songs..............anyone got any clues? 1. IBYWHIKAYPTMMB 2. ISAWDAACMF 3. TALWSALGIG 4. NRDRNJNRR