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The cancer patient/single mother thing in health and fitness has been found out, and it is all a con. You have all been fooled.
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I am devastated. It had my car keys in, house keys purse and credit cards. It has caused me so much hassle today now I am worried as I can't remember if there was anything in there with my address on
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What does a camden tablet actually do to the wine ? Thanks for any replies !!!
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I need HELP!! I am a single mom with cancer. I have a pending disability case but no income in the mean time. I am getting evicted from the one bedroom apartment that my child and I share. The engine...
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It's my 1st Christmas without my wife this year. I'm a widower. I know it's only 2 weeks holiday with Dec 25th being just 'one more day' but I can't face it. I'm talking to someone about grief and...
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Hi folks -- has anymore any good ideas, what to get my 20 yr old rugby playing grandson for xmas? Plus my 17 yr old grandson any ideas more than welcome
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About 5---6 yrs ago, I saw a michael barrymore show on the tele. he had a woman singer up on stage, singing "stand by your man " I believe. Is there any way i can trace that clip of film, as I really...
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only just watched Alexanders final performance from last night, she had me in tears, so glad she won
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hi there, I'm searching for my father that i last saw some years ago, i would like to get back in contact again but i don't know where to start, all the web pages want money from me to do a search,...
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Did anyone see this on Living last night ? Poor lass, I feel so sorry for her. I didn't used to like her but I do now and really hope she gets the all clear eventually. I howled with laughter when she...
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Does any one know what greenline bus to take from a london station, to go to either dunstable or luton? any idea what station that would be ? I'm one of these cocoa slurpers , who travel free almost...
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Perhaps the wrong section!.Im thinking of buying one.Are they as good as they say? Thanks
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Who on earth do you think will win this time.? I dread to think!!!. I dread watching, as I bet alexandra will be kicked out.???
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About 3 weeks ago an itchy rash appeared on my side, about 4 inches above my hip. The rash was approx 2 inches long by half an inch high. Over the next few days it started to itch and become slightly...
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In A Pickle
Unless you know for sure,how old would you say your fellow ABer's are(by name)? Come on be brave now! *Waits for World War Three to break out!*
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Ihave made white wine some 4 weeks ago, it has now gone very quiet, i.e no bubbles in the air lock, what has gone wrong? and what do you advise I do next?
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Think I'm going to stop watching the X Factor. It's not a singing competition anymore. The contestants might as well come on, not sing, just plead with the viewers to vote for them and walk off. It...
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miming or what???....what a
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That wee blonde yodelling chic - is she in pain???

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