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Where and when was Albert Einstein born?
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'Fain or fains I' the opposite of 'bags I' by means of which a positive claim is asserted; a call for truce, a statement of opposition, the earliest forms are 'fen', 'fin'; or 'fingy'.'
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I am trying to discover the origin and correct spelling of the term 'Feignlights'. My daughter posed this question to me and I know that I used the term at school some 50 years ago, usually to define...
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I'd like to buy a Dictionary of Phrase and Fable for Christmas, and the two most popular ones seem to be either Brewers or Oxford. Which is the best one?
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I know there is a debate as to the sum of countries in the world 196/198 whatever. But APPROX, how many are in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
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Is there any truth in the origins of the 'Hokey Cokey' being a parody of the Roman Catholic Mass? And are there any other examples of these religious mickey-takes?
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What is the origin of the surname 'Withrington' (NOT Witherington)?
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What is the origin of 'on the q.t.'?
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Why is a raven like a writing desk?
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Leg of lamb
Can someone please help by telling me what poem, and by whom, the following lines come from? 'The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep and miles to walk before I sleep.
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I read on an 'unusual facts' website that Winston Churchill was born in a ladies toilet during a dance. Is this true, and where can I find the proof?
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Are there any websites that providee brief summaries of famous works of literature?
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What does 'a dog's life' mean?
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What does the expression 'tipping at windmills' mean and how did it originate? Thank you!
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Why wasn't he tried as a war criminal? And all the other Japanese officers who, during the War, carried out bestial horrors against humanity including enslavement, beheading, starving and torturing by...
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Why are they called green goddesses
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Okay conspiracy fans; How come, bearing in mind we got 10,000,000 (Ten million) web users in UK, How come AB, who have been plugged on National radio and t..v. only have a broad userbase of a few...
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Where does the phrase 'Don't teach your Grandmother to suck eggs' come from?
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When was the Panama Canal completed?

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