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1) Fairy tale writers on the pass round town.... 2) Short saint hurried for Royal and Ancient mistake.... 3) Common boys name before the circle of ancient money... 4) Blemish after the cut with body...
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1) A golfing Scottish Queen is at the fortified wine. 2) A backward Mr Stewart could not play a dominoe. 3) Old by the stream crossing but it’s a welcome place to rest. 4) A Scotsman’s pardon me...
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Adeegllnoor Aeeehhilorrsstttw Tia...
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Fibre used for rope before North Sea installations. Not strict comes before river crossing. Warships under one commander. A touch of the lips followed by a warning instrument....
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1) Touch any totem.....(6 7) 2) Here a medal blow......(9 5) 3) Sad caramel...(5 5) 4) Fit up churn....(5 5) 5) Late brew talk...(8 4) Thanks in advance......

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