I make no apologies to the snowfake liberals. Being hung drawn and quartered is too good for this man but being realistc surely the death penalty, after a reasonable amount of time behnd bars thinking...
Why do they make such a great deal of announcing who will be in the I'm a csillybertie get me outta . Is there any one in it that would make you say .Oh must not miss that ..Me I'm of to Venice wth...
Dad and I are thinking about getting a Smart Meter for the house.
How do they work? Are they reliable and do you find them useful?
Any feedback would be greatly received.
Hi, some advice please...I've just bought a Bush Charge and Sync Cable for my iPhone 6s+ and I've plugged it into my usb port on my laptop and it isn't charging. Am I doing something wrong or do you...
Being new this year to owning a smart phone, I didn't realise how much memory gets used up by the OS and even just a few basic apps. My Moto G and partners Moto E are both now displaying messages that...
Yoga therapy helps to cure different types of sicknesses and to live a healthy life as yoga is the one of the powerful tool to get rid of all your health problems like - BP, Obesity, Joint pain,...
Some will love it some will hate it! We had a great time with some brilliant and fun characters and hopefully raised plenty of money for the RNLI. I didn't get placed but I wasn't really expecting to...
I had a back molar removed last Wednesday, since then I've had pain like the toothache before it was removed, earache and a slight sore throat, should it have settled by now
Generally speaking, on divorce, a spouse is usually entitled to 50% of everything. Does this also apply to a dying spouse, the couple in question are quite wealthy, owning various properties and...
According to an article by Charles Saatchi in last night’s London Evening Standard (sorry, I’ve looked but I can’t find a link), scientists say that the limited number of genes that influence...
The NEC in Birmingham is, this weekend, hosting a convention celebrating 50 years of Star Trek. Is anyone going – or would you if you could – or do you think it’s all a bit daft? Such fun! I’d...