Hi My path is made up of beautiful little stones. The council (god bless em!!!) have put a thin layer of concrete? over the rest of the path. Anybody got any good easy ways of getting the top layer of...
When I spray on my antiperspirant I seem to get a bad case of the sniffles for about an hour max, then it goes away. It seems like I have temporary bad reaction to antiperspirant in general no matter...
Ive always puzzled about this one, if your on a train and its moving fairly fast and your standing in the isle if you jump in the air, when you land will you land on the same spot you jumped from, or...
Right i work at this place that makes steel roofing materials on mill plant machines. Basically a big coil of steel is on the end of the machine and it goes through the machine and the steel is...
when i was 15 i very stupidly tatooed myself with my boyfriends inisials is there any cream that could help fade it??it was don with i pin and biro ink
The format of the blank page on Word has changed. I don't know if I changed it, or if it just 'happened' - the former, most likely! However, I want it to go back to its default setting ie; 'normal'...
To cut a long story short I'm getting a tattoo on the arch at the underside of my foot. THE most sensitive part. I can't possibly back out. Am I making a mistake? Ive never had a tottoo before.
1. OPENING JARS - I'm struggling. This is where he comes to the rescue. 2. ARRIVING IN A PUB LATE - And all his mates cheer him. It doesn't mean he's popular, it just means his mates are pi$$ed....
Dunno if there really is a section for this but theres this place opposite my work which is called "Rocket fuels" and apparently they are using rapeseed oil to make fuel does anyone know about this? I...
My three year old daughter refuses to use public toilets , which makes things really awkward when we are out and about. It all seems to have started when we went to the cinema a while ago and when I...
When attempting to convert from dvd to wmv I get the error: missing compatable MPEG/DVD codec. I followed the link to download it and now I have 2 files that arrived zipped, claud.ax and clvsd.ax...