Why do people, especially outside city supermarkets insist on feeding pigeons. Outside our local Tesco there are two main culprits, an elderly woman and Asian gentleman (also elderly) who arrive with...
I've been wearing those shoe gel pads with certain shoes this summer - they really make a difference, make some shoes so much comfier to wear, Do they work though when you're wearing tights?
just moved to a new property. We have a squirrel at visits the garden (at the bottom of it) Today b/f is at home preping the patio to be fitted. He just called me and said the squirrel was trying to...
does anyone know how they make the tinned meat and if they make the meat under health and hygiene laws..... I will get to the point I am so annoyed i just opened a tin of meat as my fussy lot wont eat...
I am sitting in my comfy leather reclining chair, with the laptop on my lap, typing this and my cat is intent on getting in my lap. She does not care that I am busy trying to type and give advice on...
A young fox seems to have taken up residence in our garden. We don't mind as long as he stays outside and doesn't destory anything, but the other day he came in and spent some time in our dining room...
I've got a 14 month old springer bitch and for the past few days she has been biting her backside. Today I noticed that she is licking her privates quite a bit and whilst watching, I noticed quite a...
I've just replied to some replies about a post I made earlier, as one of my work colleagues by accident as they had their details in the memory of the shared computer. they then wanted to know who I...
if someones parents both died and they were buried together would the wording on the gravestone say loving parents of........ or loving mother of... loving father of.... separaratly its for a novel...
We are after another dog and a lady who works for my husband has 6 puppies for sale of the above breed. Has anyone any experience of these dogs and can offer any help or advice. A walk every day is a...
now that we can't get a decent price for raw wool anymore, should we gradually phase out sheep shearing? maybe there aren't enough hedges left to make this practicable....?
hi - you kindly answered my Q re strip lights. i've managed to change the bulb, and bought yet another starter switch - 4-65w as you advised - and it still don't light. it DOES spark when i push the...