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Mine is: Savoury: Steak and kidney Sweet: Cherry Snack: Traditional pork pie.
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Not sure if this has been brought up on B&S in the past, but what is it with this dumping someone by txt this days. It seems to be the younger element of society that are doing it tho i know a few...
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Doc Spock
These were great times. Were they better than now, I think so.
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I have just found out (from a very reliable source) that my boyfriend has been cheating on me. I had suspected that this "friend" he suddenly had was something more. I found out on Friday and didn't...
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sorry to post here but I can happily report after years and months of living in unsuitable housing, moaning on here repeatedly!!, I have finally been offered a suitable property!!! I am viewing it...
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i have been to a place before where out to sea there looks like a shipwreck under the water and I remember that on the beach there was a sign warning of this too. This picture I drew of what the...
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I inadvertently managed to spill water on a plug socket last night and this morning none of the sockets in the room were working. I checked the fuse box and sure enough one of the switches had...
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Can i change my immersion heater switch to a timed one
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Hi all.This will probably get moved from here,but here goes.I`m taking my daughter to see Muse at Wembley next Sunday and we want to go to Camden first to buy some trendy gear.Now,hubby is driving us...
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do we actually get to taste drink in the pubs and stop off?
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this section seems to be the hub of answer bank so I take my chances...I was given a scottish ?5 last night in the pub and only noticed this morning when reviewing the damage my finances occured...
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why do men think they can treat women like rubbish and we will always come running ? im off men for life :( xx
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my friend is due to get married in august , she met her soon to be hubby through newspaper dating , and they have been together for 2 years now ! would you date someone through a paper or would you be...
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Do you think that the person who sits on here looking at the questions and answers and bans them is a bit sad and has no soh and it is done manually, red head had a link to a site showing dicks the...
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i have osteoarthritis in both knees and have been taking 1500mg of glucosamine perday. they have had no effect but persist with them on the better the devil you know basis. i guess some people feel...
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how do i wire a switch
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If there was a god he wouldn't let my mum suffer they way she is. She has battled cancer for nearly 2 years and it is spreading. She has to deal with that, the chemo and she can't walk anymore due to...
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I have recently moved into a house that has only one telephone point which is in the lounge. I didn't want to go wireless so I doubled up the telephone point and ran a cable throught the wall and up...
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who was the last person you told that you love them ? who was the last person that told you they love you ? i told my kids to day they said it back to me xx
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Hello, has anybody heard from Ray about how his sons operation went. ? if you are on here today Ray hope all went well. sally xx

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