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I've spent this weekend with a teacher friend who I've not seen in a while and it turns out she taught Brian at school. And what did she teach him? Drama. Yes, drama. So she can tell me quite...
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Just wondered if anyone else was surprised by Ziggy dumping Chanelle again? Is it a coincidence that it happened again after he found out about there were new HM's to be had? I think not! I didn't...
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looks like chanelle is actually going...hurrah, i used to like her but iv never heard anyone whine so much! put charley back in in her place :-)
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this guy is 36? right
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just talking to dot on a thread,ask where i was from said wales,next thing out through the door what was that all about?
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Doc Spock
this has been another strange but funny evening. It isn't real you know, none of us are what we seem , apart from whiffey maybe. Suicide, do not think so, I shall check the news on the morrow.
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looks like avoiding Thomas Cook AT ALL COSTS HAS PAID OFF, anyone with a suitable youtube link can put it on my thread i am not averse to abit of youtube
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Ever felt so lonely that suicide feels the only way out?. Yes its a selfish act. But when you see no way forward. Being dead seems a relief to all your problems.
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do you think that when the silly cow finally gets the boot and she sees her tantrums on tv, she will change? i don't think she does it for attention so much, because she mainly screams and acts like a...
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Now not everyone gets on........but this is my song for you is too short.... :)) xx
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I was watching the live streaming earlier and as part of this weeks task Chanelle was asked to play the violin,apparently she has a grade 6 or 7. She made a right song and dance about it crying and...
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are women grumpy just because they are women? is it something to do with pmt and hormones? or is it just because theyre not men and theyre jealous of us ??
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My tri colour 11 year old mongrel was asleep in his bed near the tv and my 8 year old staffy cross came in and suddenly went for the sleeping dog and had him round the hed, i am on my own in the house...
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hau kola
from Docs post on the 60s....what was the first group you were first into in a big way?For me it was The Osmonds then Bay City Rollers.
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Doc Spock
born in 1945 heard the first Beatles hit. I think the music from the 60s was the best. Am I wrong. Is music crap now.
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I was watching this clip instead of submitting my reply to your long 'boring' thread wardy, it was actually a succinct response to those who will not stop castinjg the first stone, (in case it gets...
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Big is beautiful...aint it?
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the Merseyside CTU (counter terrorist unit for the non 24 viewer) today made a significant series of arrests, they managed to capture the scouse wing of a major terrorist threat, they captured Bin...
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Now this is gonna be worth watching when she goes back
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My friend said to me yesterday that he wanted to be a drugs dealer. The following day he met me in town and i told him i had found a job for him. We walked through town and down a back alley....

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