on sunday I have my children with me , they will be here from the firday until the monday morning when they go to school. My x and I do not in any way get along , as Im sure most regs know from my...
hello Mrs Ed, would it be feasible for this site to operate a weekly competition to establish the silliest question of the week? purely in a light hearted and non vindictive manner? There have been...
Well we're an eighth of the way through the world cup and Dipster has taken an early lead with 19points!, in second place are Mighty WBA and Starrs with a host of others bunched up behind ready to...
I am getting fed up of my boobs changing size and shape over the month, it is annoying and some days they are really making me feel top heavy, I am only a 38C but somedays I think I have gone up a few...
I have been told that I have a good suggestion ~ what would you think about having a system with IDs in the same way sites like ebay have...your user ID can be changed (but only every 90 days) and...
i am dropping asleep here, this is the fourth nite I have wanted to just sleep when i have had my tea, does this mean I may well be unwell again? I only worked 44 hrs this week!
I see you have a new Topic "World Cup" - It would be very cool to have another new topic - "BIG BROTHER"? Come on AB the blokes can get things off of thier chests..............something for the girls...
following on from FNG henrys post, what would you ladies do if you had a willy for a day? My wife would spend all day p!ssing in snow, (writing her name etc) and on the toilet seat etc
did anyone else read about the baby boy born in Bristol on the 6-6-6 ?? he was 6lb 6oz at birth and born at 6.59 his parents have named him Damien (Cooper) ive tried to see a funny side, but there...
Have a notice which says "Try using a search engine for lyrics" 9 times out of 10 if someone posts an answer with specific lyrics in it, the lyrics can be found on Google.
Ii was not intentional I don't think, it was a natural metamorphosis, (i used that word to show off) and if the ed is upset on the morrow don't blame me i am a greenie and know nothing. is this a...
What a nasty, vindictive, self centered person she is. She is so bossy, I really hope she is up for nomination this week and gets even more boos than Sezer......good riddance, she is a nasty peice of...