Can anyone from the production team confirm that the banker actually speaks for as long as Mr Blobby makes it out to be. Is there anyone on the line at all or is Blobby making it all up? Cant be...
someone please put me out of my misery and tell me what i have seen the actor playing billy mitchells future father-in-law in before? he has a familiar face and a really distinctive voice, i know ive...
i'm not an old fuddy-duddy but I was at my sons' house tonight and his two girls were watching Eastenders on TV they are only 11 and 8. A young actress kissed another full on the lips, the other...
When my mother married her husband he opened a bank account in both their names but the majority of his money was kept in an account in his name only. After 16 years of marriage would she now be able...
For several years he's been making my life a living hell (and my wife's) we've had enough and now want him to move out to stand on his own two feet. He has no respect for us or our home so we feel the...
anyone actually met celebs??? I met Eric Bristow the dart player who i hated on the tv for years..he is one of the nicest men i ever met....also Roy "Chubby" Brown..really pleasant,and friendly with...
The News of the World are running a story about gay premiership footballers but are not naming names yet.Does anyone know who are the two gay premiership footballers who had a three way fling...
Has anyone appeared on a gameshow with Michael Barrymore and did you like him? I appeared in My Kind Of Music - musical quiz show and found him to be a bit distant - he wouldn't meet us before or...
Is there a web site that lets you know how individual members of the panel have done when they have been in the hot seat? i have missed some of the shows and have noticed some regular faces are now...
Can anyone tell me about the music that was played in the square as a mark of defiance during the conflict - I believe it was played by a music student - and any more info about the incident if you...