Hi this is a local crossword. I cannot get Surprised as headless monster dances. (8) I have no letters apart from surprised is the anagram indicator. That was given by the setter as nobody was sending...
He has pledged to reduce unskilled immigration as, he says, it puts a strain on public services and holds down wages. Surely this will appeal to traditional Labour voters won't it? Particularly in...
Having problems with 5 across Conflict followed by retreat of revolutionary guard (6) - which I thought may be RANGER and if that is right 7 down starting with the G Free performance (9) and I have...
I have a few left as usual. Hope these will let me see the others. 13d Wine not half dry, where bottles kept a joke (9) I have ??S?C???? 19d Flipping brilliant hiding data sheets in the kitchen I have...
I have an incomplete corner. There are really three I need but will hope to get the others from this ... So 18d after taking a spin, driver finally qualified - what? Cobblers. (4, 3) I have - - E - ,...
I have the letters ... BUT please could someone help with: 3 down (8) Exaggerated heading off little rodent: write this up in book -I-R-T-O I think it's libretto esp with all the 'paper/writing/book'...
Learning to do these things again... and practice does help but so do you helpful people. Last week I managed to finish with only one request. Let's hope I don't need any more! 18 across (10)...
Last gasp! 3D _L_R_ Weep about relegation initially - something to say for promotion .. is CRY is there somewhere? 4D I'm guessing is WET NURSE. I don't know why - so I know never to go with a guess....
5 d _ _ _ H _ N Some high water mark? (6 ) I always thought that 'some' implied the answer was hidden in the actual words. Can't see it. Also I have AINTREE for 16 ac ... Racecourse fair, cryptically...
I have this one to do 9 down relating to Saturday I'm pretty sure it's SABBATI - E Is it sabbatile, sabbatine ?? I've googled with not much success! Thanks RG
Just come back to this - busy week so far and am trying to finish it. I'm still stuck on the above. I've checked back as far as I can and can't see that I'm doubling up on questions 6d scene is set by...
</b Good Morning all AB-Linkers (and Good Bye Gremlins)! This is Lady Lysander > once again with the MM Challenge for Week 3. Preparations are already in hand for our village's 137th show to be...
Good morning everyone, are we ready for another weekend of fingers crossed and inspired guesses ?? Before we get down to tin tacks, I would remind you all that we are in desperate need of an...
My daughter in teaching a lesson to children aged between 7 and 11 and needs an 'artistic' project for these themes: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Can anyone help please?