When a baby is born there is usually no doubt what gender they are although there are an awful lot where that it is not clear (Lady Colin Campbell is one such and was raised a boy for some years)....
I always switch my tv off on the set, to save electricity. However I heard on the radio today that other things left plugged in also use electrcity. I mentioned microwave ovens and mobile phone...
has landed a three hour slot on the new TV Talk channel. I am rather shocked at this prestige position which I don't think he deserves. He is a cocky little git.
people, the ordinary folk , think they are fighting the Ukrainians for, as they are supposedly all the same nationality? Their sons, brothers and fathers are all being killed and they must questioning...
She uses her hair and very short skirts and has always appeared to exhibit her feminine charms. It has been noticeable in the past as she always sits next to her boss on thee front row.
remove predictive text from my MacBook as it was a reconditioned machine that already had it installed and it means I have to go through anything I have typed which reads lie nonsense otherwise.
Three students spend £30 (£10 each) on pizza. When the pizza boy returns to the restaurant, his boss points out they should only have paid £25 between them. He takes £5 back, but helps himself to £2...
how cows milk is made available fresh every day in billions of litres? It has to come from a lactating calfs mother who after giving birth, has her baby snatched away from her in order that the milk...
A great big "baby" blackbird being fed mealworms by both its parents on my bird table. Their offspring was larger than both of them and its beak was permanently open as it scoffed the mealworms. Is...
If you, the reader, actually KNOW the answer, please do not post it as I would like to see how easy or difficult this is for someone who has never considered it before! Why are manhole covers always...
The most wonderful evocativel musical score ever and gorgeous Julie Christie at her most beautiful and dreamboat (as he was then) Omar Sharrif. Best film ever.
I am about to buy a small 800W/400W replacement electric fire as mine packed up last night, The broken one I have has two bars and I want to make sure that I do not buy one that has bright dazzling...